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The role of sex doll torso

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The role of sex doll torso

Příspěvekod Nancyflower » 24. října 2023 6:50

Ahalf body sex doll is a simulation doll whose main function is to provide people with a substitute for a sexual partner. The torso is usually made of soft and elastic materials that can imitate the body structure and shape of a real person. Some high-end torsos can even be customized with artificial intelligence technology to make the shape and taste more realistic.

With the fast-paced life of society and changes in people's lifestyles, more and more people regard sex dolls as their sexual partners, which means that they must pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene when using sex dolls.

Despite the media's negative attitude towards sex dolls, the fact is that some viewers' dependence and addiction to sex dolls cannot be ignored, with many using them to make up for their lack of sex and trees having sex with real sex partners. The spread of disease.

In short, the sex doll torso is a sexual partner substitute for people. It is full of sexual fantasies and can bring people endless pleasure as a couple, but it still needs to be operated strictly and pay attention to hygiene and safety.
If you have enough budget, you can choose onelife sized sex doll.
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Registrován: 12. září 2023 9:32

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